This product contains pure, unprocessed sea salt harvested from Southern Ocean sea water in New Zealand, plus ethically sourced, and air dried kelp from the waters of the North Island of New Zealand.
Pure unrefined salt is naturally moist and contains all of the 84 minerals and trace elements found in seawater, with no additives. It is essential for the survival of all living creatures.
Kelp is rich in iodine, a mineral that is essential for the health of almost every cell in the human body, and is especially important for healthy thyroid function and energy production. By using a natural salt fortified with kelp you can ensure your diet contains adequate iodine.
Unprocessed sea salt has tremendous healing virtues which are the opposite of refined table salt. Pure unrefined sea salt:
- Balances and nourishes the body
- Provides the complete range of minerals
- Breaks up the irritating mucus, providing much relief from sinus and bronchial congestion
- Regulates blood pressure - may help to reduce high blood pressure but increase low blood pressure
- Promotes a deeper and longer sleep that is both restful and refreshing when taken with warm water before bedtime
- Helps balance the electrolyte minerals and release any retained water
- Provides rich minerals directly to your cells where needed to enhance resistance to infections and bacterial diseases, and aiding healing from surgery, sickness, burns, etc.
- Assists with removal of toxins from the body, especially in the brain.
- Provides electrolyte minerals which are vital to the nerves for communication and information processing (particularly within the brain cells).
- Helps control saliva: if you salivate (or drool) in your sleep, it could mean that your body is deprived of the right kind of salt and you are not drinking enough water. This condition may also lead to a double chin as your salivary glands work twice as hard to lubricate your insides.
- Helps balance blood sugars in diabetics
- Provides essential minerals to the muscles and prevents muscle cramps