Urinary tract and kidney health
Couch Grass serves as an excellent tonic and disinfectant for the urinary tract. It is a soothing, anti-inflammatory diuretic with mild antimicrobial activity, and is considered a specific remedy for chronic or acute cases of cystitis and urethritis, where the root tea or tincture will help reduce inflammation, inhibit bacterial reproduction, and lessen pain during urination.
It should be noted that although Couch Grass has been shown to possess broad antibiotic activity, it may be too weak to be effective against infections which are already well-established. In such cases, it should be combined with stronger antimicrobial herbs— such as Echinacea, Thyme, Bearberry or Corn silk. Couch Grass tea may also be used in conjunction with prescribed antibiotics, or following a course of antibiotics to help reduce the likelihood of repeat infections.
The demulcent properties soothe inflammation and are helpful for kidney stones and gravel. Because it is very gentle on the kidneys, it seldom irritates the bladder or urethra during long term use.
Respiratory health
The second most famous use of Couch Grass is as a remedy for the upper respiratory tract and infections. Used as a tea, it is beneficial for clearing out the airways and helping you recover from colds, coughs, and as a cough medicine to alleviate bronchial irritation and pain.
Liver health
Couch Grass is a good cleansing herb because it has the ability to remove toxins from the blood and also from the liver.
As a diuretic, Couch Grass increases the volume of urine by stimulating sodium excretion, helping to wash away toxic materials from the body via the kidneys. This makes Couch Grass an effective liver-supporting herb, similar to Dandelion or Burdock. These three plants are good to combine, especially in the treatment of rheumatism or chronic skin problems and to generally clean the liver and help it function and clean your body properly.
Skin health
The tea made from Couch Grass can be used as a wash for swollen limbs or chronic skin problems like eczema, ulcers, psoriasis or acne. When used externally it cleans your skin and when drunk as a tea it cleans your liver which in turn helps your skin become clean, healthy and radiant!